The latest Surviving Spirit Newsletter – Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health is out – It can be read online via this & you can also subscribe –
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The Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2023
Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy
“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran
Newsletter Contents:
1] ‘The climate is visiting a mental unraveling on all of us’: Charlie Hertzog Young on the dangers of activism – and staying sane on a dying planet – Climate crisis by Patrick Barkham @ The Guardian
2] How to cope with a loved one’s suicide, from someone who’s been through it by Kristen Rogers @ CNN
2a] World Mental Health Day: When talking about suicide, avoid using these words by Kristen Rogers @ CNN
2b] US surgeons are killing themselves at an alarming rate. One decided to speak out by Christina Frangou @ The Guardian
3] ‘My self-worth plummeted every month’: the hidden disorder that can ruin women’s lives – Health & well-being by Chloe Aslett @ The Guardian
4] What do homeless people do with cash aid? A new study found out by Rick Paulas @ The Guardian
5] Amplifying Native Communities Through the Power of Digital Storytelling – First Nations Development Institute
6] Report on Improving Mental Health Outcomes by Jim Gottstein, JD @ Mad In America
7] Adults shouting at children can be as harmful as sexual or physical abuse, study finds by Issy Ronald @ CNN
8] 6 Easy Methods to Turn to When You’re Feeling Emotionally Overwhelmed by Lauren Geall @ Pocket Worthy
9] What is Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD)? by Robyn Brickel, M.A., LMFT @ PACEsConnection
10] Top of the Zinc Roof: poems observed from behind the veil with a glimpse of the light by Mitzy Sky @ Goodreads
11] Bluebird’s Poetry & Discussion Hosted by City Voices @ YouTube
12] Can states ease homelessness by tapping Medicaid funding? Oregon is betting on it. By
Katia Riddle @ NPR [& audio podcast – 5 minutes posted at website]
12a] How States Can Use Medicaid to Address Housing Costs By Dori Glanz Reyneri @ Shelterforce [& audio podcast – 11 minutes posted at website]
13] 11 Natural Depression Treatments by R. Morgan Griffin
13a] 22 Ways to Cope With Your Depression @ Healthline
13b] Exercise or medication: Which is best for depression? By Kristen Rogers, @ CNN
14] ‘Survivor wisdom’ informs new book on hope after trauma author Robert Jay Lifton By Joanne Silberner @ NPR – Goats and Soda
“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis
“Still time to change the road you’re on.” – Unknown
Thank you & take care, Michael