Mike so graciously agreed to join Pennie Saum on the Brave and Unbroken Project’s podcast, sharing his story and showing how its possible to survive out loud.
Brave and Unbroken Podcast – Mike Skinner – Child Abuse Survivor vs. Mentally Ill Labels
Mike Skinner is a musician, advocate, grandfather, father and child abuse survivor. His health concerns are the result of childhood and teen-aged years filled with the pain and suffering caused by severe and protracted sexual, physical, and emotional abuse from Mike’s parents and many of their friends. Mike’s adult life has known the pain and isolation due to the stigma and discrimination of being labeled “mentally ill” – that stigma helped lead to a brutal assault and other traumas and violations upon him.
Also on Apple Podcasts – Brave And Unbroken: Mike Skinner – Child Abuse Survivor vs. Mentally Ill